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Over recent decades, our food hospitality industry has gradually evolved into a complex system of long supply chains and clunky processes. Our projects are here to open up the
conversation by simply asking: what if?

“If you just think exclusively about what would be the best tasting or the most profitable,

you’re just not seeing the big picture.”


  • What if we could create a mutually beneficial collaboration between our local high street restaurants and cafes?

  • What if we reconnected communities with their environment through pop-up cooking classes, focused on creating world classics with local produce and wild foods?

  • What if local producers collaborated to create decentralised food box production that serves its local community?

  • What if we stopped business as usual, pushed the boundaries, and tried something different?

Whatever the project, WLK aims to tear up the rulebook, inspire people to think outside the (veg) box, and start exciting conversations about what food means to us.

Our latest projects

White Label Kitchen had a fantastic time serving 220 guests at the Centenary dinner for RAMs Rugby Club, a place built on firm community principles. Now the top rugby team in Berkshire, they’ve grown from a social club into a professional one, with a focus on supporting the next generation – now up to 500 local youngsters in their programmes!

Our menu was designed to reflect the local flavours and support nearby suppliers. 

Centenary Dinner at RAMs Rugby Club

Local cheese, strawberries and cream were our culinary highlights, showcasing the finest flavours of the Royal County. It’s all about supporting short supply chains and getting the community involved, a principle close to all our hearts.

What makes WLK Projects special?

Chat with Simon

It all starts with a conversation. If you’d like to collaborate on a project, or just want to talk

possibilities, reach out to Simon today.

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